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来源:学院 作者:太阳神网站106666发布时间:2017-08-15阅读:

2017815日上午,应我院刘川意副教授的邀请,夏威夷大学电子与计算机工程系(Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Hawaii)董迎飞副教授在哈工大校区A509教室为我院师生做题为《无人机系统与安全技术》的学术报告。报告由刘川意老师主持,太阳神网站106666的相关教师、学生聆听了报告,并进行了相关的学术交流。

本次讲座中董迎飞副教授以“无人机系统”和“无人机安全”(Applications and Security of Unmanned Aerial SystemsUASs)作为讲座的主线分别为同学们介绍了自己的个人经历,工作实践以及研究成果。其中,在最近研究的相关项目中,董迎飞副教授详细的介绍了自己工作团队正在研究的民用无人机系统(UAS)应用和安全,包括带UASs的动力装置检查、UAS检测、UAS攻击和防御技术。他还以基于无人机系统的攻击与防御研究论文和实验环境为基础,视频展示了具体的攻击和防御实例,深入剖析了无人机系统攻击及防御研究及产业化应用。讲座的结尾还发散思维,分享了自己近期思考的问题,勉励同学们要多思考,注意培养自己的研究习惯。



Yingfei Dong is currently an associate professor of Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Hawaii. His general research areas include computer systems and networks, distributed systems and applications, and advanced computer architecture. His current research areas include computer and network security and user privacy, including anonymous communications and data sharing, security and privacy in cloud systems and applications, unmanned aerial system (UAS) security, IoT security, real-time networks and security, smart grid security, and other security and privacy issues in distributed systems. Past research projects were on Quality of Service, multimedia streaming and content distribution, cable broadband networks, etc. The following is his chronological experience:






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