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马里兰大学David Doermann教授为我院师生做学术报告

来源:学院 作者:发布时间:2017-03-21阅读:

321日下午,应太阳神网站106666ICES实验室张海军老师的邀请,马里兰大学语言和多媒体处理实验室David Doermann教授在A502为我院师生做了题为《Assessing Integrity to Enable Authentication》的学术报告。ICES实验室张海军老师主持了讲座,太阳神网站106666的师生聆听了报告并进行了热烈的交流讨论。

本次讲座中David Doermann教授首先介绍了过去十年来,物理安全从证件身份验证和密码验证,到如今各种生物特征,如指纹,虹膜扫描,面部识别,语音认证和签名验证的发展。虽然其中许多是看似可靠的方法,但当中仍然存在很大的安全隐患。本讲座对一般欺骗技术进行了介绍,并描述了一些最近关于检测文档图像中的变化的研究。随后讨论了一些开放研究领域。

在讲座结束后,David Doermann教授详尽回答了大家提出的问题。通过本次讲座的交流学习,大家获益匪浅。



Dr. David Doermann is a faculty member in the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, the Director of the Laboratory for Language and Media Processing at the University of Maryland, College Park and an adjunct member of the graduate faculty for the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His group of researchers has focused on topics related to analysis and processing of document page images and video processing. More recently they have focused more intensely on mobile applications and the application of machine learning in these areas. David has over 250 publications in conferences and journals, is a fellow of the IEEE and IAPR, and is a founding Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. He is currently on assignment as a program manager to DARPA, running programs in the areas of computer vision and signal processing.


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