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香港城市大学教授Tommy W. S. Chow为我院师生做学术报告

来源:学院 作者:太阳神网站106666发布时间:2015-12-04阅读:

2015123日上午,应ICES实验中心张海军老师的邀请,香港城市大学Tommy W. S. Chow教授于教室A304为我院师生做了《High dimensionality: Applications on regional English visualization and wireless sensor networks》的学术讲座。
在这次报告会中,Tommy W.S. Chow 教授首先介绍了在大数据时代,高维数据已经成为模式识别和机器学习领域所要处理的重要问题之一。随后介绍了目前一些主流的降维方法在特定场景中的应用。并且还对比介绍了深度学习(deep learning)和流行学习(manifold learning)的发展及潜在的研究方向。最后,Chow教授介绍了在无线传感网络故障诊断和英语写作方式分析两方面,对高维数据的处理和研究。
讲座结束后, Chow教授详尽回答了学生们提出的问题。
Tommy W S Chow is a Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the City University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Sunderland, U.K. in 1988 and returned Hong Kong to join the Electronic Engineering Department of the university.
His research interests are in the area of Machine learning including neural networks, machine learning, pattern recognition, and fault diagnosis. Until now, he has published over 160 referred papers in international journals, 5 book chapters, and 1 book. Under the Google scholar, his works have received a citation of over 4,300 and an H index of 35. He was the Guest Editor of Neural Computing & Applications on the 2010 Special Issue on “The Emerging Applications of Neural Networks.” He received the Best Paper Award in 2002 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual meeting in Seville, Spain. He now serves the IEEE as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
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