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光熙论坛(第53期)SAILING讲坛暨硕博论坛第三期-MDS Array Codes with Low Disk I/O and Asymptotically Optimal Bandwidth of Sub-packetization Level Two

来源: 作者:发布时间:2023-03-22阅读:

讲座题目:MDS Array Codes with Low Disk I/O and Asymptotically Optimal Bandwidth of Sub-packetization Level Two

讲座时间:2023年3月28日 15:00-16:00

讲座人:骆源 教授



Erasure Codes are being widely implemented in distributed storage systems to achieve fault tolerance with high storage efficiency. Reed-Solomon code is commonly deployed in data centers due to its optimal storage efficiency, but it requires massive repair bandwidth for node repair. Minimum Storage Regenerating (MSR) code and Locally Repairable (LR) code are proposed to reduce repair bandwidth. However, MSR code usually carries a heavy disk I/O burden and LR code is not optimal in storage efficiency. In this paper, we take disk I/O, storage efficiency, repair bandwidth, sub-packetization level, and repair degree (number of helper nodes) into consideration together, and propose two constructions of MDS array code (named LDIO code) with low disk I/O and reduced repair bandwidth, where the sub-packetization level is 2.


骆源,上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系长聘教授,副系主任。1993年本科毕业于南开大学数学系,并于1996和1999年分别获得南开大学数学系硕士和博士学位。自1999年至2003年分别在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院和德国杜伊斯堡埃森大学IEM试验数学研究所进行博士后工作。2003年迄今入职上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系,2006年任教授,第二届平方公里阵列射电望远镜中国专家委员会委员,中国通信学会第四届青工会副主任,上海交大-中国联通-广视通达大数据联合实验室主任。研究方向为信息论、信息科学和计算机安全。在IEEE TIT, TC, TCOM, TIFS, TVT,TWC等国际期刊和会议上发表论文近百篇。

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