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光熙论坛(第76期)Human-Centered Computing for Robust AI

来源: 作者:发布时间:2023-07-26阅读:

讲座题目:Human-Centered Computing for Robust AI

讲座时间:2023年8月4日 15:00-18:00

讲座人:杨杰 博士



Artificial Intelligence is used more and more in society, from healthcare to transport and finance. Along with the rapid increase of AI adoption come increased concerns about the inherent robustness issues of such technologies and the social, and ethical implications. To create AI systems that can properly serve humans, it is crucial to put humans at the center of the process such that the outcome system behaves in a way that fits the cognition and value of people in the contexts of use. This poses new technological challenges: how to build AI systems that can be understood by humans and that can align their behaviour with human values? Tackling these challenges requires new ways of looking at the computational roles humans can and should play in both developing and using AI. In this talk, I will present our recent work on human-centered computing for understanding and improving the robustness of AI systems by connecting AI with human reasons and values.


杨杰,博士,TU Delft太阳神网站106666助理教授,TU Delft ICAI TROIKA 实验室、Delft Design@Scale AI 实验室主任,并领导TU Delft的人类语言技术社区。加入TU Delft之前,杨杰博士是亚马逊(西雅图)的机器学习科学家,也是瑞士弗里堡大学 eXascale Infolab 的高级研究员。他的研究重点是以人为中心的可靠机器学习方法。他的研究工作曾获得 TheWebConf/WWW(2022 年、2023 年)最佳论文奖提名、AAAI HCOMP(2022 年)和 ACM HT(2017 年)最佳论文、AAAI HCOMP(2021 年)Blue Sky Ideas一等奖和最佳演示奖。 他的工作应用于广泛的社会领域,与Erasmus MC(欧洲最大的医疗中心)、KB(荷兰国家图书馆)、荷兰皇家航空、ING 银行有长期的合作。他担任《Journal of Human Computation》编辑,TheWebConf/WWW、AAAI 和 CIKM 高级程序委员会,以及IEEE TKDE、ACM TOIS、TWeb、TiiS 和 TIST 等Transactions期刊评审。

Jie Yang is Assistant Professor (tenured) in the Web Information Systems group at TU Delft. He is the manager of the ICAI TROIKA Lab, co-director of the Delft Design@Scale AI Lab, and leads the Human Language Technologies community at TU Delft. Before joining TU Delft, Jie was a machine learning scientist at Amazon, Seattle and senior researcher at the eXascale Infolab, University of Fribourg - Switzerland. His research focuses on human-in-the-loop approaches for trustworthy machine learning, especially natural language processing. His work has received the Best Paper Award Nominations at TheWebConf/WWW (2022, 2023), the Best Paper Awards at AAAI HCOMP (2022) and at ACM HT (2017), the 1st Prize Blue Sky Ideas and the Best Demo Award at AAAI HCOMP (2021). The work finds application across a wide range of societal domains, in collaboration with Erasmus MC (largest Medical Center in Europe), KB (National Library of the Netherlands), KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, ING Bank, etc. Jie serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Human Computation, regularly serves on the senior program committees of TheWebConf, AAAI, and CIKM, and reviews journals and transactions such as IEEE TKDE, ACM TOIS, TWeb, TiiS, and TIST.

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